The Shaping of a Profession: Physicians in Norway, Past and Present
Norwegian medicine viewed from the inside–
Because it possess detailed records on the life and career of virtually every one of its physicians from the earliest times until the present day, Norway is able to make a special contribution to the history of professional development.
Based on this biographical information and an extensive amount of other source material, the authors have analyzed the emergence of the Norwegian medical profession in light of the general development of the Norwegian society.
A multidisciplinary approach was chosen, and scholars from the fields of history, social sciences, medical anthropology, geography, philosophy and the natural sciences combined their skills and experiences with those of medical faculty members from the national medical schools, physicians practicing medicine in the health services, and colleagues holding positions in health administration and in the Norwegian Medical Association. Medical students who have shown a particular interest in the history and prospects of their future occupation, have also been included in this team effort. The leader of the project has been the professor of medical history at the University of Oslo, Øivind Larsen.
In the present volume, general trends in the dynamics of professional development are highlighted, and a comprehensive bibliography containing references to national and international literature in the field has been included.
“The Shaping of a Profession is an impressive production and a graceful act of homage to individuals who in past times often worked under extremely difficult conditions.” —Isis
“With numerous illustrations . . . The Shaping of a Profession is a fascinating account of every aspect of Norwegian medicine through the ages. British doctors will find many echoes, as well as interesting differences.” —BMJ